The federal government is beginning to examine anti-competitive practices in industries within the U.S., and the wine industry is included. The threat to small, mid-size, and family-owned wineries is real and growing, and will have a negative effect on competition if the pace of consolidation is left unchallenged and unregulated.
Recently the topic of wine pricing keeps popping up as a media topic, with some writers all waxing on how wine is priced arbitrarily and without any connection to quality. This post explores their arguments and describes what value is.
Twenty years ago on July 4, 1997, Jennifer and Paul Tincknell founded Tincknell & Tincknell, Wine Sales and Marketing Consultants, in Healdsburg, Sonoma County. Tincknell & Tincknell assist clients with business, marketing, and sales strategies, and provide marketing support, packaging design, and industry advice, including start-up assistance. Over the last two decades, the firm has assisted over 100 clients from around the world.